Monthly Archives: November 2013


I had sent an e-mail to Miriam, Alex’s mother to say hello and tell her she is in our thoughts, especially for this week and time of year. She thanked us and said she would be returning to the scene tomorrow evening and saying a prayer for “PAPO”. For the new members who didn’t have the privilege of knowing or working with Alex you missed out on meeting a great human being.

On Tuesday the PBA filed an official complaint with the Chief Building Official at city hall with regards to the construction on the second floor. Whoever applied for the permit (see on-line) at city hall indicated a cost of $2,000 and “office alterations”. They failed to mention the moving of walls and electrical outlets added/changed in the construction. This would be a violation for the normal person, however a likely cover up by our Dade County leaders.

The PBA received a response from the A/G and has some direction on obtaining more information on the contracts/consultants retained by FF/BK and CSR/KD. A PBA attorney has been assigned to research the Public Records initiative. BTW the consultant contracts have all be renewed through FY 2014 and the cost of the contracts remain under $25,000 to fly under the radar not requiring commission approval. SLICK.

Attached are two articles a member thought would be interesting reading.,%202005.pdf


Commentary – GRAY by President Marano
The new color of the new Hollywood Police Department reflects the overall mood of the membership, dreary gray. It’s a very appropriate selection by Liberace, FF/BK and CSR/KD. From the PRR on the consultants the research done by several members has identified Gruber as the one who is most suspect of providing the secret police to pose as IA Investigators.
Today I contacted the AG and submitted a question to ascertain if the identities of the personnel working for Gruber are subject to disclosure under 112.
Linked below is the executed agreement on the longevity and Hollywood (8) as well as an article making the rounds on the boy king.

Pay Back – Secret Police?

You can read all the contracts FF/BK has entered in to with the “consultants” during his brief stay. I am sure he and the CSR would like to thank the membership for their financial assistance during FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 via financial urgency to make all these contracts possible. Your generosity has not gone unnoticed.

Click on the links below… Prof Services 2013.pdf Prof Services 2014.pdf Guerette CONTRACT 2013.pdf Guerette CONTRACT 2014.pdf Consulting Contract 2013.pdf


Read Below…–CAG_Consulting


Yesterday, I signed the letter of understanding which credits all city time for current members. This letter was for longevity purposes, as well as to re-slot the (8) members who only received one step when the CBA was ratified instead of the two steps we believed they were entitled to. Hopefully the PA’S will be processed ASAP.

The PBA has requested the Sheriff put a stop at HPD on the route taken by the BSO prisoner transport van to assist in the transport of prisoners. Scott indicated he will have staff work with HPD to provide that service.

BTW, the IA policy has not changed, just the interpretation, application, and execution of forms has. This is necessary to create statistics for FF/BK and CSR to show how corrupt the department is. The PBA is still waiting for copies of contracts with consults that the FF/BK has entered in to since his employment. The city attorney was contacted via e-mail and he was requested to comply with the October 8th request.

If you have a strong stomach you need to go on the cities web site and read the comments by certain commissioners on the evaluation of CSR which led to her 4% raise. It will make you barf.

Officers continue to tell select commissioners how bad morale is at HPD. Many are making the point that it is worse than before the contract. This is a direct conflict from what FF/BK and CSR are advising the elected officials. More smoke and mirrors from our friends. Please keep the comments coming and do not let up. It is working.

D. Edge is humble but grateful for your support. It was an awesome display of unity and brotherhood for a much worthy cause and person. He will never forget. A 5 year officer commented on Monday during the event when it came to the initiative by FF/BK to change Hollywood’s culture. “He will never be able to change our culture” That this comment came from a young but solid Officer was inspiring to me.

I have recently communicated with the FOP President in Miami, Javier Ortiz. Ironically they use the same name “Secret Police” for the IA operatives (consultants) in his agency. Javi has and will continue to forward information about MM and her relationship with FF/BK . One HPD member did a search of her name on the Miami L.A. site and got a number of interesting hits.

You can see a copy of the meeting agenda on teh site –>

“The Edge”

The list for the members who are due their longevity step is on the website. Please let the PBA know if your name does not appear.

I hope to see you on Monday night, 11/4/13, for the “Ball” at the hall at 8pm for a great cause. There has already been a substantial amount of paperwork generated for the event.

This week “Mr. Credibility” attended the Charlie shift line up to dispel any rumors. I will bet you a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts his IA file is as clean as a TS hair brush.