Monthly Archives: March 2015

Super 64…come in please

We have a Black Hawk down!

TMOFS has reported that within the ranks we have several individuals who are Xbox certified and are ready and able to staff the fusion center and operate the HPD drone when it arrives. Of course the drone commander/pilot will be carried on the CID timesheet to receive the 5% assignment pay awarded to the fusion center commandos. On second thought, the BK may entertain purchasing a helicopter if a neighboring jurisdiction wants to share in the minor expenses attributed to the operation. Hopefully the Xbox men won’t be disappointed.

The Broward PBA filed the grievance posted below yesterday, March 12.


The PBA has been made aware of members who have received negative observation reports for previous accidents dating back over a year. Please forward those documents to your PBA rep.

As you know the PBA has been bluffing the City of Hollywood about members leaving in order to gain leverage at the negotiations table for the contract that expired 6 months ago. Pembroke Pines, Sunrise, and BSO all have openings and are looking for certified LEOs. To complete the hoax, Alacantera, Rivera, Polo, O’Mally, Alban, and Whitten all have accepted positions with the Broward Sheriff’s Office. As one Very, Very, high ranking BSO official stated: “They aren’t running to BSO, they are running away from FF.” Of course pay, benefits, and a stable government all play a part in their departure. As FF/BK/MB/CQ/FTF so eloquently stated yesterday at the awards luncheon: “We don’t do this job for the money.” One must consider the source at $820 a day, 365 days of the year. Not a bad payday.

The officers named above are all former members of “The New Hollywood Police Department” so named by CSR and FF. However, the three supervisors who are leaving early–giving up the alleged lucrative DROP–must also have their reasons for AMF at HPD!

Major Gump

Have you seen the BMF walking around the PD lately? Not Dirty Harry, Marsellus Wallace, Bud White, Jules (S. L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction) or the late Navy Seal hero Chris Kyle but HPD’S one and only Major Gump. Golly gee the members with less than ten years must be fooled by his butch demeanor. But boys and girls rest assured…he never handled a dog, jumped out, went up front on a 57 deal or rappelled off anything but a copy machine. His most dangerous physical encounter was when he had to fight a common cold. He is apparently the enforcer for the BK. Start shaking in your boots.

FYI: The PBA declared an impasse in Key West after four unproductive negotiations sessions.

Armando Silva is in the process of evaluating his disability options. The circumstances surrounding the event and injury qualify Mono for medical coverage for his family from the ALU/O’Hara Act.

FSS 112.19

Attached is a grievance filed today. Grievance-March-6-2015