Monthly Archives: April 2015

A fond farewell

First, congratulations to Tori Jett who had her first hole in one on a par 3 during a junior golf tournament on Saturday. It was 125 yards and hit with a 9 iron. Awesome!

It is nice to see retirees helping others with their struggles. TMOFS/LFA has confirmed that big “V” little “a” has been in touch with Bruce Jenner (a fellow cross dresser) to help him with his issue and most likely wardrobe as well.

See attached resignation letter from Brian Bartlett. Please read as he held nothing back.

15-04-10-Officer Brian Bartlett-Retirement-eff.5_1_15

Please review the body cam article that was recently published in The New York Times.

You have to love Hallandale. Printers in vehicles do not work. In car computers don’t have all the software to complete reports causing other units to respond and assist. Now, the Politicians are moving to body cams for road patrol as a pilot program. The PBA will be surveying the Hallandale membership. According to their use of force consultant, a component of a successful body cam program is to have the membership Buy In. Good luck.

Attached is a snipped of the memo sent to each Hollywood Commissioner notifying them of the departure of FF/BK/FTF/MB/CQ. His last day is May 15Th.


Another great day for HPD

First, I want to let you know that yesterday I ran into Terry Cantrell from the Lakes Civic Association, which is located in a district who clearly voted against us in the 2011 referendum to strip pension benefits. His neighbors, one after the other, came to the podium to complain about a rental residence used as a party house in the lakes section. The stories were horrific and the 10-20 is in need of some order maintenance. Who would be stupid enough to go on Front Street for FF? Exactly! BTW, Terry wanted me to know that he voted against the referendum to reduce benefits and voted for us.

Second, the City of Hollywood contract negotiations went south this morning. Within the hour a PBA rep. reported four new officers are applying elsewhere due to the City’s position. The City actually reduced the wage offer by half a percent from the previous offer and there is no movement on the pension article.

P.S. You can forget the random drug policy article, too!

Edge, who beat the charges in court, now faces double jeopardy with FF and is facing termination. He is defiantly guilty of DWB but he can’t help being BLUE.

BTW/WFT – some unwanted subject is hanging around like a dry turd on the hair of my dog’s arse. What’s up?

AMF for God’s sake.

Like a Miami Detective told TROFS: “The best retirement party we ever had in the history of Miami PD was when the Boy King retired.” Why? Because FF was not invited.

Below is a notice of the next Hollywood member meeting:

General Membership Meeting Notice

Pension Workshop

On Thursday, April 9, 2015 there will be a pension workshop at the Fred Lippman Center on Polk street. It starts at 11 am.The Hollywood Police Pension Actuary, Jose Fernandez will make a factual presentation (unlike the Lalla version). The site was chosen by the City and will not be broadcasted which we should all be very suspicious of.

Many members and citizens asked why Mayor Bober attended the press conferences put on by BB/FF/MB/CQ/FTF/BK during the death investigation of the three year old child. Two reasons, one is The Mayor is up for re-election and second is he looks like Dr. “J” standing next to FF and tiny tears.

Tick Tick

We are all waiting for BB to head south for eternity. All information both from the Banana Republic Telegraph as well as circumstantial local evidence points to an imminent departure.

Attached are the resignation letters from six HPD members who left for other local LEO employment. HPD administration is doing everything they can to make their departure as miserable as possible. The PBA requested clarification on the rumor that Major Gump advised the six would have the cost of cleaning their vehicles deducted from their last paycheck if the vehicles were not washed and vacuumed upon turning them in. City Hall advised the rumor was untrue. You decide! Any amendments from the three Sergeants who are retiring from the lucrative DROP early will be posted upon receipt. So that makes nine but the next report from FF/BB will assert…we are only four down! BTW at least one more is in the process for Sunrise PD.

15-03-12 – Officer Danny Polo – Resignation eff. 3_23_15

15-03-13 – Officer Angel Alcantara – Resignation eff. 3_21_15

15-03-13 – Officer Angel Rivera – Resignation eff. 3_20_15

15-03-18 – Officer Ryan O’Malley – resignation eff. 4_5_15

15-03-23 – Officer Caleb Whitten – Resignation eff. 3_27_15

15-03-12 – Officer Christopher Alban – Resignation eff. 4_6_15

Information from several of the six who left and attended exit interviews at City Hall have echoed the sentiments of others who left–low morale, non-competitive pension, and unstable City Government. BTW the command staff did not fare well either….shocking!

We can all continue to wonder if BK still thinks these departures are a PBA ploy and should not be taken seriously.

Speaking of command staff…please review the attached Arbitration award and the findings relating to the IA Major. No wonder we failed accreditation. Some brass can’t count to 90.


Anyone have an update on the purchase of the little bird or Black Hawk?